The UK Health Forum collaborated with colleagues at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research–Institute of Population and Public Health to produce an Oxford Bibliography on public-private partnerships in public health research and policy. The bibliography outlines...
The key aim of this EU-funded EConDA project was to aid EU Member States to develop, select and implement more cost-effective policies to improve chronic disease prevention. The reports can be read and downloaded from the EConDa project site. Back to our...
The European Heart Network (EHN) has published a press release about the EConDA final conference. The project (lead by the UKHF), which lasted 2.5 years, showed how upstream prevention interventions focusing on reducing people’s exposure to risk factors before a...
The Brighton declaration arose out of a one day workshop held in Brighton in September 2013 as part of the Society for Social Medicine annual conference. The workshop convened UK based non-communicable disease modellers to discuss the challenges and opportunities for...
This project projected the future burden of coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, type 2 diabetes and 7 cancers by 2030 in 53 WHO European Region countries based on current and past body mass index (BMI) trends. It also tested the impact of obesity interventions on...