December 2018. Bariatric surgery, lifestyle interventions and orlistat for severe obesity: the REBALANCE mixed-methods systematic review and economic evaluation

The aim of this project was to determine the long-term cost-effectiveness of the most promising Weight Management Programmes (WMPs), identified from a systematic review of Randomised Control Trials (RCT), for adults (aged ≥ 18 years) with severe obesity (Body Mass Index (BMI) of ≥ 35kg/m2) from a NHS perspective. The specific comparisons were selected following discussion with the project advisory group to determine the most policy-relevant questions to the NHS. The economic analysis sets to determine the cost-effectiveness of:


    1. the Look AHEAD intensive lifestyle intervention versus United Kingdom population BMI trends
    2. a very low-calorie diets component added to a WMP (WMP1: mainly dietary intervention) versus a WMP1 alone versus baseline (United Kingdom-representative) general population BMI trends
    3. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery versus a WMP (WMP2: similar to short Look AHEAD/Diabetes Prevention Program) versus baseline (United Kingdom-representative) general population BMI trends
    4. all WMP and surgery from research questions 1–3 were compared against each other from a NHS perspective



  1. Research questions 1–3 are based on meta-analyses of RCT evidence. Research question 4 presents a comparison across all identified WMPs to determine the most cost-effective strategy overall. The UKHF carried out research question 4.